Monday 19 April 2021, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa

Cryptocurrency scam


The police from Złotów, Greater Poland Voivodeship, were informed about a cryptocurrency fraud.

A 24-year old man that invested in cryptocurrencies has let down his guard when he was contacted by a “broker”. He was informed that he had earned a considerable amount of money on cryptocurrencies. In order to gain the caller’s trust scammer was stalling the conversation, explaining slowly the operation of the system.

The “broker” requested the victim to provide a credit card number, which was to be necessary to transfer the money earned in the amount of several thousand zlotys to the victim’s account. In the next step, the victim was asked to log into their bank account. At this point, the victim noticed that control of his account had been intercepted. The fraudster made the transfer, explaining this by the need to complete the transaction. At the same time, he convinced the victim that the money would be returned to the bank account in a few dozen seconds.

This scam is so bold as the funds from the bank account disappeared in front of the victim’s eyes. Remember never to give your credit card numbers to strangers and not count on quick profit when tempted by fraudsters