Wednesday 1 February 2017, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa

How improve the safety of your residents? the Domestic Map of Security Threats


Do you want to learn if your area is safe? Do you want to have influence and respond to threats which are in your town? You have to get to know the Domestic Map of Security Threats. 

The program of the Domestic Map of Security Threats has started. It is supposed to serve as the improvement to the safety of Polish residents. 

While creating the map of threats in the entire country over 11 thousand meetings took place. During the meetings, residents reported their remarks, talked about needs and threats in their surroundings. Over 217 thousand people took part in the meetings. 

Maps were drawn up on the basis of: 

- information from police computer systems 

- direct contacts with citizens, with the representatives of the local self-government and non-governmental organizations 

- information obtained from citizens with usage of the information exchange platform. 

The map is available on the websites of the metropolitan police. 

Information you will find on the map include the crimes and petty offences in the given town as well as threats which residents claim to negatively influence their sense of security. 

In order to report the threat you have to go to a website of provincial, municipal or district police headquarters. Submitting the information which we want to report will take a moment, it will be sufficient to choose the appropriate category and find the area to which we want to add the given threat. 

What happens with this kind of a report? 

The report will get to police officers of the appropriate cell of Police. Collected information allows for even better deploying services in the given area. 

Remember to report every threat sensibly because every report will trigger the adequate response of police forces. it is possible to report one threat a day from one computer.