Tuesday 30 October 2018, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa

A new type of threat – attacks on the security codes sent via SMS messages


A new type of threat applied by cyber criminals are attacks on the codes in SMS messages. A cyber criminal intercepts the user's SIM card and clones it and, in this way, the SMS transaction authorization codes in internet banking may end up in the wrong hands.

This dangerous form of attack on banking customers is described by the manager responsible for safety in the net from Alior Bank – Paweł Ogonowski, who has given an interview to the CyberDefence24.pl website

The attack on the customer's work place results in the customer seeing something totally different than that which can be seen on the device screen. The  cyber criminals switch the account numbers and, in reality, the transaction into the target account chosen by the user is completed into the account chosen by the cyber criminal.

As Paweł Ogonowski emphasizes, as a bank, they are not able to fully control the safety of the end user.