Monday 5 October 2020, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa

Cheap contract scam


The cheap contract scam has returned, but in a different form. Previous variant of this scam was focused on extorting personal data from older people, where the fraudster claimed to be an employee of Telekomunikacja Polska.

This time, the potential victims receive a robocall that informs them about the end of the contract. The dobreprogramy portal quotes the content of the recording “your phone contract is about to end, if you want to pay less for the subscription, press 1 to talk to a consultant, if not press 2”.

According to the portal, if you press 2, you will be redirected to an international call and incur considerable costs.
The portal gives a list of numbers that are better not be answered: 734818156, 734818190, 734818186, range from 734818150 to 734818190.

With some of these numbers, fraudsters can offer free products or impersonate debt collection companies to obtain personal data.