Tuesday 29 March 2022, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
The best way to rob people 60+ is pretend to be a grandchildren

According to FBI statistics, people over the age of 60 are at greatest risk in terms of extorting money.
In 2021, seniors in the USA lost over PLN 7 billion.
Why and how? It's easy. Older people who are not aware of what can wait for nothing on the Internet may succumb to their naivety. A senior who receives a message from someone who is pretending to be a granddaughter may really think that it is someone close and after a long conversation is able to send money to that person.
The second way fraudsters use is by dating sites. When someone is lonely, they look for other people to spend time together and then they look for friends on the Internet.
How to protect yourself from all this?
Someone emailing you saying they are your relatives, former acquaintances, need help? Don't give in to it. Do not enter into conversations with strangers who are sending these messages. Such people know that seniors very often use e-mail for communication and are not always aware of an attack on them
In the Internet, caution is the key, so it is important to make your parents, grandparents or relatives aware of what they should not do. It's best to say it straightforward and as soon as possible, because who knows, it can happen to any of us.
The other ways are persuading people to invest in cryptocurrencies or removing defects from the computer that do not exist.
Source: sekurak. FBI
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