Tuesday 12 April 2022, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
Geoportal has leaked the data of thousands of people in Poland (also their PESEL number)

According to niebezpiecznik.pl, for a certain period of time it was possible to see the numbers of the land and mortgage registers. Because of the land and mortgage register numbers, you can know who is the owner of the property, how it was purchased, its features, information about the mortgage, also the PESEL number and the names of the owners' parents.
How did this happen? Chief Surveyor of the Country - Waldemar Izdebski informed of niebezpiecznik.pl that it could have happened due to the recent changes in the methods of securing access.
Quoting Waldemar Izdebski's statement:
"For two years, the land and mortgage register numbers have been hidden in the geoportal on the basis of the decision of DKN.5112.13.2020 of August 24, 2020 of the President of UODO. The decision has been appealed to the Supreme Administrative Court and currently the cassation appeal is pending. Over the weekend we changed the method of securing access and maybe it caused that something appeared somewhere. It was not our intention to restore the visibility of mortgage register numbers"
Source: niebezpiecznik.pl
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