Wednesday 1 February 2017, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
false e-mails which extort data - mbank

The mBank warns its clients of false e-mails which extort data. False mails are sent to mailboxes informing about the blocked account.
In contents of the mail we will learn that as a result of the unauthorized access, the account becomes blocked. In order to recover the access to account, the sender asks for authenticating the account holder. To do this, we are encouraged to click the false website. Certainly, the aim is to extort the client's ID of the bank, the password, data of the payment card and SMS codes to confirm transfers.
mBank, on the account of the growth of the threats associated with sending the false e-mails, sends special notices to its customers. We can find more information on the blog of the bank.
If you received such message and you logged on to the false website you must contact the bank and change your password.
Phishing attacks are more and more frequent, pay attention to where we enter our logging data.
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