Friday 3 February 2017, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa

Stolen/lost ID - what to do?


Remember that the stolen/lost ID can be used for extorting the loan or cash credit, as well as to hire-purchase. 

How to react when we lose documents? 

- in case of the theft of the document we have to notify the police, there we will get a document confirming that we reported the theft.

The document will have to be presented at the commune office. 

- we notify the closest organ of the commune or the consular institution, when we are outside of the borders of our country. At the office we will get a document confirming the loss of the ID and we will be obligated to form a new one. 

We have to, however, remember that reporting the loss of documents at the commune office or at police station is not sufficient. We also have to report the missing documents at the bank institution, even if we are not bank account holders (then we must have a document of the lost ID issued by the commune office). It will let us avoid many problems connected with financial losses. 

The association of Polish Banks runs the system of cancelling identity documents - CANCELLED DOCUMENTS SYSTEM. It limits the possibility to criminally use the lost documents such as identity card, passport, driving licence, residence card or also a registration certificate of the car i.e. .nobody would be able to use it to extort the loan. The stolen/lost document is immediately reported to all other banks, companies and institutions participating in this system (a shell with a pearl is a symbol of the campaign).

We must also know, that for the submission of an application for cancelling ID in the CANCELLED DOCUMENTS SYSTEM, the bank can charge the payment from us, however, it is dependent on the given bank institution. 

To illustrate the situation how dangerous it is to lose the documents, in 2015 according to the infoDOK report there were over 7 thousand attempts to take cash credit under false pretences with a total value of 253 million PLN. When somebody wants to use our identity document to extort the cash credit , hire-purchase, sign the contract with the operator of mobile communications, the employee of the given institution will get the feedback, that our document is cancelled (no longer valid). 

In the DZ system (of cancelled documents) there are over 1.5 million cancelled identity documents.