Friday 3 February 2017, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa

Hacking into homes and building management


Integrated systems of intelligent house or building management are more and more often exposed to the attacks from the outside by so-called cybercriminals. 

Cybercriminals can for example trigger the shutdown alarm or put the heating system out of order. 

Two public facilities' heating systems were victims of DDos attack (dispersed denial of service) in Finland. The attack by cybercriminals entirely paralysed the computers responsible for the inspection of the heating and the circulation of warm water in buildings. 

Valtia company, which  managed these two buildings, confirmed the concentrated attack on the network resulting in overloading the system. The attack was conducted in November this year. There are subzero temperatures  in Finland at this time of year. Consequently, it came down to the losses of material and the need for the evacuation of people from these buildings. 

It would be possible to avoid many threats by applying appropriate securities. The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA)  was interviewed by TVN24bis TV station, warns against the high risk of break-ins into the systems of intelligent house managing. Devices connected to the network can become an easy target of cybercriminals.

ENISA underlines that many smart devices have insufficient securities protecting them against cybernetic threat. 

The safety of buildings automation is often neglected which was proven by the example of two buildings in Finland. One should realize how important in intelligent house managing systems are investments in appropriate firewalls. It is also a must to train developers and manufacturers of devices constituting elements of intelligent houses in terms of the enhanced security. Hackers can even remotely open a front door to the flat.