Friday 3 February 2017, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
Door handle thief

Meeting a thief face to face in the entrance hall. Everyone would be frightened.
The first obstacle - intercom.
Who doesn't open the door from the
stairwell when we hear that somebody brought leaflets.
Next, it is enough for the thief to go from floor to floor, check who has an open door, moment of inattention of the resident and....
"Door handle thief" is a known phenomenon. They enter a flat and check if somebody left the door unlocked.
The increase of this type of theft was recorded in Łódź. Ordinary thieves usually plan the theft by observing the potential victim, on the other hand, the door handle thieves rely on the stroke of luck.
Community policemen visit the residents of Łódź and warn them to lock the door immediately after returning home and do not leave precious things such as the bag, the wallet or also car keys or documents in the corridor. Do not let unknown people inside under the pretext of the proverbial glass of water. Warn children not to open the doors to strangers.
Remember that
according to the penal code, if the thing doesn't have a determined property
value (one fourth of minimum remuneration) perpetrator, if caught, will be
responsible for committing a petty offence.
Pay attention to who
is wandering around our stairwell because we can become a victim of a door
handle thief.
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