Sunday 5 February 2017, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
Are you going for holidays? Beware -there are thieves prowling on the trains and railway stations

During holidays we more often travel on the trains. However, during our journey as well as at the station we have to be extremely cautious - pickpockets only wait for the chance. They know that the passengers can have large amounts of money or valuables. Everyone usually takes the tablet or laptop to use while travelling.
In our earlier article - we wrote that thieves often create artificial crowd, especially when you are getting on or off the train or bus.
While going by train we should pay attention to our luggage, do not leave it unattended. Avoid empty compartments. When we need to leave luggage unattended, the interesting form of protection are PacSafe steel nets.
Do not keep the large amount of money in one place.
Passengers who travel by night trains are especially exposed to the risk of theft. Thieves usually choose hours between 12 at night and 5 in the morning as the tired and unaware travellers sleep at this time. Thieves select the victims between stations.
Choose the compartments at the front, by the locomotive because there is a conductor's compartment. Sit down farthest from the entrance, the thief will have longer distance to us, perhaps it should discourage him.
A frequent method of stealing is "the otter way" - while the train stops at the station, the thief grabs the luggage such as the bag, rucksack and quickly runs away from the compartment.
Do not tempt the thief. If we go for a long trip we should try to cut down the time we use the electronic devices such as a laptop or an iPad.
Did you have any unpleasant accidents during the train journey? Do you have any hints how to travel safely?
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