Sunday 5 February 2017, Tematyka ogólna
Drones - mandatory legal provisions

Drones are getting more and more popular thus more and more often we can hear news reports on threats they pose. An incident which took place at Okęcie airport can be such an example. Pilots noticed the flying object - the drone next to the piloted plane. Controllers were forced to redirect the machine to other runway and report the case to the police.
We should be aware that there are some binding regulations (aviation law) about piloting the drones. If we do not observe these rules, we can spend up to 5 years in prison.
Every drone operator must buy the liability insurance for minimal guaranteed amount or higher amount stipulated by the Minister of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy. What benefits does such insurance provide? It protects us in case of the damage done to possessions or persons in connection with the usage of flying model. This protection concerns pilots operating the flights in view of operator but can also be widened for flights out of operator's view.
We can also buy additional Aerocasco insurance which provides the compensation in case of damaging our object.
If the weight of our drone along with the equipment does not exceed 25 kg, in Poland we can move without the special licence, but only within the limits of the uncontrolled airspace. We can find the map of Polish air zones here:
If we want to use a drone commercially (generating profits) that is all the flight different from the recreational or sports ones, we have to obtain a licence i.e. the certificate of the unmanned aerial vehicles operator (UAVO).
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