Sunday 5 February 2017, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
'Pokemon Go' craze leads to spate of accidents

We don't know if you regularly follow the news on BBC channel.
As everybody knows, the Pokemon Go frenzy is at its prime. We have already showed he famous video recorded by New York youtuber about how Americans went crazy about this game.
BBC television informs that the police record hundreds of accidents connected with Pokémon Go.
TV channel alerts that everything is caused by the lack of attention of the gamers.
A good example can be 290 reports recorded in England and Wales in July. Fans of the game are victims of the theft and assaults. What is interesting, also the gamers commit burglaries and traffic offences in order to catch the biggest number of Pokemons.
British police started to give advice concerning the safe behaviour during the game. Application developers started putting warnings in the game.
Police data are alarming. An example can be a man who lured children into his house claiming that "in his flat there are many Pokemons". There were also numerous reports concerning the assaults on players and a theft of their phones.
The application does not take into consideration that some places can be dangerous. It was used by criminals who make use of Pokémon lures available in the game which should appear in specific places, certainly the remote ones.
In Poland there was the first case of the victim of Pokemon Go game. 16-year-old during the cycling trip hunted for Pokemons and collided with the public transport vehicle. The cyclist will be responsible for causing an accident and stand trial in domestic relations court for the juvenile.
Ninatic company (application developer) appeals to players to play in groups and to be more vigilant, in new unknown places.
On the other hand, the police sensify drivers not to play while driving and be concentrated on driving the vehicle.
There will be more and more games using the augmented reality and it will probably cause new problems similar to the ones connected with Pokemon Go.
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