Sunday 5 February 2017, Tematyka ogólna
Report about the prevention of animals homelessness

Alarming report of Supreme Chamber of Control (NIK) - about the prevention of animals homelessness - from June 2016.
The number of animals in the pounds grows rapidly. The new report of NIK indicates that
communes ineffectively prevent animals homelessness. Many communes did not implement plans of animals tagging and very often did not provide obligatory sterilization or castration done in the pounds. Out of 11 controlled communes, as many as 9 didn't use the possibility of implementing the plan of the animals tagging. Report data are terrifying, only one fourth of the caught animals have found the new owner.
The holistic plan of tagging animals and putting them in the public database would facilitate a search of the current owners of the homeless animals. Suchy Las commune can be an example of the situation when taking part in the tagging action reduced the number of catching as well as handing over animals to the pounds, and consequently cut down the costs of keeping them.
A terrifying fact is that in spite of obligatory castration or sterilization of every caught animal, only 4 of 11 controlled communes provided such treatment in the pounds.
This is a simple way to increase already exaggerated population of the homeless animals.
A sad fact is that only the smaller entities who carry out the intensive actions promoting the adoption who use the help of volunteers recorded the increased adoption. In big pounds the animals often stay forever.
Is sterilization/castration discounted or free in your places?
Do the communes who save some money on tagging and the sterilization of animals increase their costs of running the pounds as the number of animals is still growing?
The entire report is available on website
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