Sunday 5 February 2017, Tematyka ogólna
GPS device for dogs and cats

Have you ever considered equipping your pet with the GPS transmitter?
Microchips for animals have become a standard - rice grain-size integrated circuit with 15 digit number which is individually assigned to every tagged animal.
What if our animal goes missing? Chip as little as or so much stores details about the animal itself as well as the owner's data. However, basing only on the chip we cannot locate our animal companion.
More and more offers connected with GPS transmitters attached to the collar of the animal appear online. The cost of such a locator is placed within the limits of 200-500 PLN. The locator lets us establish the accurate position of the animal with the help of GSM networks and GPS satellites. We can track our animals with the use of the application or the website. The manufacturers of the devices declare working time of the transmitter for between 24 hours to 7 days (mode of intelligent energy management).
However, this device is not small enough and could be disturbing to our animals.
Have you ever tested such equipment?
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