Sunday 5 February 2017, Tematyka ogólna
SIM cards registration

Do you remember our recent entry on the blog, concerning the implemented duty of SIM cards registration?
Not all of us know what does the process of SIM cards registration looks like, and the swindlers make use of our ignorance. Swindlers impersonating the operators employees call the clients offering the registration of the SIM card, without the necessity to leave your home.
By doing so they try to extort personal details such as the address, ID number and PESEL number. We remind our article concerning the theft of our personal details.
The other method of extorting the personal details is sending out texts containing information that our SIM card will be blocked (it started happening after Counter-Terrorist Act came into existence). The message contains attached counterfeit regulations which requires to send our personal details.
Niebezpiecznik service describe this case in greater details. The service was informed about the attempts to extort personal details through false phone calls from swindlers who introduced themselves as Orange employees.
We remind that registration can be made in showrooms of our operator or its business partners.
The operators who do not have their own stationary showrooms allow online registration or by the courier.
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