Sunday 5 February 2017, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
The safety of cars remote controls

Researchers from the Birmingham University along with Kasper&Oswald GmbH company presented findings of the research concerning the safety of cars remote controls at one of scientific conferences.
The findings are surprising. In order to get to the car from the Volkswagen group, burglars had to use radio unit to break digital securities of the car.
The scientists discovered that from the central locking remote control, it was possible to intercept signals and clone them. To generate the opening signal of the car door ,the burglar has to be in the distance of at least 100 metres from the victim, in order to intercept the signal of the remote control.
The first cases of burglaries into cars with the use of similar method were recorded in the United States. The cars equipped with the mechanism of key fob are exposed to such attacks, The burglars open the cars with the use of modules with changeable frequency, making use of short distance of keys from the car (to 8 meters).
In such a situation, it is best to equip cars with additional securities.
We also remind of one of our articles in which we presented statistics from 2015 concerning the theft of cars, the most frequent places of the theft and popular makes of cards among car thieves.
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