Sunday 5 February 2017, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
The leak of data from PESEL database

District prosecutor's office in Warsaw informed on 26.08.2016 that employees of a few bailiff's offices downloaded a few hundred thousand of records from PESEL database. The investigation is conducted by the Internal Security Agency. It is known that this practice lasted from March 2015. Even a few hundred thousand citizens can face the consequences of the data leak. They can be unaware of the fact that the problem concerns them.
What data are in PESEL database?
Data contain, among others, date and place of birth, citizenship, but above all the name and the surname, series and the number of ID, PESEL number, name of parents and the current place of the registered residence.
We have to realize that on the basis of these data, the thief might try to extort the credit or the loan through the Internet.
Certainly, the thieves of such data, have to confirm their identity by making a verification transfer (i.e. for 1 PLN). It does not seem a considerable problem, it is always possible to call the bank and say that you forgot the passwords, based on a few questions to which the swindler can find answers in PESEL database, such an access can be reset.
If we have suspicion that we are victims of data theft, we can file an application to the prosecutor's office for the status of the aggrieved party.
It is always worthwhile to create account in the Credit Information Bureau - BIK, then in case of the attempt of take credit in our name we will be informed of it.
Probably not everyone knows that from 1 July 2016 banks and SKOK institutions take part in the new service - Central information about accounts. It enables the holder of an account to seek his own bank accounts. Here you will learn how to get information about the desired account.
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