Sunday 5 February 2017, Tematyka ogólna
Dog adoption subsidizing program

What do you think about the dog adoption subsidizing program?
Some communes to lower the costs connected with keeping animals in pounds and propagate animals adoption, decided to pay
its residents once for every adopted dog.
For example Wola Krzysztoporska commune offers financial
support of 800PLN for adopting the animal, the resident will receive the money after
the signing the adoption agreement. What encouraged the commune to take this
step? More and more expenses connected with keeping animals in the pounds. The expenses amount up to 100
thousand PLN annually.
The residents should spend received amount to purchase food for animals veterinary services or the accessories used to
take the care of the animal. The question is, is everyone going to do this?
In our opinion, instead of paying the cash, the better
solution would be providing free veterinary services or free vaccinations in
the same amount.
Source: commune
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