Sunday 5 February 2017, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
The fraud "for pipelines"

The fraud "for the grandson" or "for police officer" is probably already well-known to everyone. Have you heard about a new method "for pipelines"?
The swindlers make use of the lack of knowledge of the residents and impersonate the employees of the Water and Sewerage Service.
Thieves under the guise of controlling the meters or the breakdown of the network in the apartment block, enter the flats in groups consisting of two persons and loot.
One of swindlers shifts away attention of residents e.g. by ordering to turn on and off water in the bathroom, and second thief at that time robs the flat from valuables.
Water and Sewerage Service issued a statement in which the company announces that its employees do not control the meters as it is the duty of the administrator of the building. Moreover, they do not enter the flats to repair anything and they do not demand any payments.
If we encounter such a practice, remember to check the ID of a person. The employee of Water and Sewerage Service always has an official document confirming his identity. If we don't know if the given person is the employee of Water and Sewerage Service , we should call this institution.
At the moment such reports were received in Szczecin only. It is known, that swindlers choose elderly people. Just in Szczecin in 2015 there were over 100 instances connected with the attempts to deceive elderly people. And how many frauds aren't reported to the police?
Make our family and friends especially caution to such events so that they don't get cheated similarly to the resident of Szczecin who lost over 10 thousand PLN kept at home.
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