Sunday 12 March 2017, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
Gooligan – a dangerous Andriod OS virus

If you own an older Android operating system (OS ver. 4 or 5) and you have downloaded the app from the unofficial, third-party app stores, you may be at risk of catching a new virus named Gooligan.
The maleware takes advantage of multiple Android 4 and 5 exploits. It first roots into the system and then downloads a new, malicious rootkits.
The installed malewares grant the hackers full control over your device, allowing them access to all the Google services related to the user, including Google Play, Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive, and Google Photos.
The removal of the virus from the infected device is not easy. The software was designed to bury itself deep in the OS system. For the moment the only secure way of removing the virus from the infected device involves total reset of the system to its factory settings.
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