Thursday 16 March 2017, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
Smartphone with a self-destruction mechanism – a way for thieves?

The researchers at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia have developed a new technology that can reduce the theft of smartphone or laptops. The method, however, may seem a bit extreme because it leads to COMPLETE DESTRUCTION of the stolen device.
How dose it work?
The technology involves the usage of expandable polymers that can expand to seven-times its original size when heated to temperature above 80°C. The energy needed to generate that amount of heat comes from the battery of the device enabling the polymer to literally rip the device from the inside out.
What triggers the self-destruction mechanism?
The developers claim that the destruction mechanism can be activated by password-enabled app or by a GPS switch that would trigger the mechanism if a device is moved outside the pre-designated area.
The researchers estimate that the overall cost of the self-destruct mechanism would cost little as $15.
What do you think? Will this technology prove to be effective in limiting the theft of phones and laptops?
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