Thursday 30 March 2017, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
A fake Google Chrome phishing fraud

Cybercriminals have created a fake version of popular Google Chrome browser, which resembles the original application, but in truth can only be described as a scam, designed to fool the Internet users into revealing their payment card details.
Experts from the Malware Hunter Team report that after the fake browser is installed on the victim’s computer, it displays the “standard” Google Chrome icon on the desktop. Moreover, even after launching, the fake browser behaves almost identical like the authentic application. There is hoverer one impotent difference. Namely, at some point the fake browser asks the user to make a transfer (of 0.50 EUR) and reveal an critical payment card details, like credit card number,expiration date, and CVV/CVC code.
Of course, you may think that no one will take on this type of fraud, because the average users are aware that, in majority, the Internet browsers are freeware and, by definition, are FREE of any payments. It seams that the cybercriminals are hoping that less experienced Internet users will fall for this type of scam.
Lest prove them wrong.
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