Wednesday 5 April 2017, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
P2P network and warning e-mail massages

Have you ever downloaded pirated content from the P2P network (commonly known as torrent sites)?
If so... then, you can expect to get an e-mail massage with a warning.
British Internet providers have joined the “Get it right from a genuine site” action. The campaign aims to reduce the scale of piracy, and to support the download of music and movie files from legal sources.
The “Get it Right...” monitors peer to peer (P2P) networks for illegal downloads. Each Internet user that downloads files form torrent sites may receive an email massage with an warning. The email cautions subscribers they have 20 days to stop downloading copyrighted material using P2P websites. Should the warning be ignored a second time – an another educational email will be sent.
Since the members of the “Get it right...” campaign prefer to use the „the carrot over the stick”method, what to you think? Will the “Get it right from a genuine site” action have any positive effects?
Well... the “Get it right...” team seems rather optimistic:
“Educational emails will help account owners and others who use their accounts to do the right thing and get their content from legitimate sources”
Without a doubt, the campaign deserves recognition. However, due to the fact that most modern pirates have already shifted from P2P sharing towards direct download, it seams clear that the campaign is simple overdue and will have less of an impact today than it would have a few years ago.
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