Sunday 9 April 2017, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
New extortion method of Polish Stalking Group – pay the ransom or expect to receive 100 unpaid courier parcels

Experts from CERT Poland have informed about the new e-mail campaign of Polish Stalking Group, aimed at extorting a ransom of 1000 PLN using bitcoin wallet. This new method can be desribed only as a blackmail. The extortionists threaten the victim to send 100 courier parcels from random e-shops, if the victim does not agree to pay the ransom.
In order to confirm the authenticity and seriousness of the threat, the victim revives a e-mail massage containing the victim's sensitive data, such as social security number (PESEL), address and phone number. The message also implies that some courier parcels may contain illegal substances, like drugs, which may endanger the victim to legal repercussions from law enforcement agencies.
The victim is left with a choice, either pay the ransom within 24 hours or suffer the consequences. The extortionists provide the victim with a link to page containing detailed transfer instructions.
Full text of the massage can be found here.
The CERT Poland encourages the users, who have received such e-mails, to report this matter to the police.
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