Saturday 29 July 2017, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
Apple warning: Dangerous Broadpwn virus

Apple has released security update for both iOS and MacOS. The patch is critical to avoid potential infection by the Broadpwn virus.
The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology has rated Broadpwn a 9.8 out of 10 on its severity scale.
The virus is classified as very dangerous because it can affect the wi-fi chips found in Apple smartphones and allows the hacker to target these devices so long as they are in the wi-fi range.
According to the security experts at Exodus Intelligence, even a passcode will not protect iPhones from the bug, which can bypass the security feature to exploit the weakness.
How to get the latest update?
In order to download the iOS 10.3.3 patch the iPhone users need to use the “Software Update” mechanism in “Settings” menu, then tap “General” and “Software Update”. Clicking on it should prompt the installation of update.
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