Tuesday 1 August 2017, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
Docer.pl portal: Users personal data publicly available

Copies of sensitive documents (i.e. identity cards, driving license, notarial deeds or employment contracts) were widely available to every guest and user of the Docer.pl portal. This shocking finding was revealed and described on the Wykop.pl website by one of the "diggers".
Docer.pl portal allows its users to store different types of data in various formats such as .pdf, .rtf, or .docx. It seems that the users did not realize that, according with the Docer.pl terms and conditions policy, all retained records can be viewed by other users without any restrictions.
When the matter became public, the sensitive data was removed from the website. However, if you are Docer user and your private data is still available to others, you should fill in the violation notification form.
Keep in mind that free access to such information can have unpleasant consequences, even in the form of identity theft.
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