Wednesday 6 September 2017, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
mBank customers – beware of a dangerous virus

mBank warns its customers of a new virus that was designed to faithfully resemble the bank’s mobile application, available on Android systems.
According to the bank’s information, every user who has tried to login to the banking system, and has received an unusual message, asking for “the phone number’s authorization”, should stop his or her action and notify the bank immediately.
During the authorization process the unsuspecting clients are, firstly, asked to enter their login data (which includes: phone number, login, password, and PIN code) and, then, to confirm the given information with the SMS code.
After the confirmation, the virus transmits all the acquired information to its creators, who can now freely derive funds from the victim's account, without his or her knowledge or approval.
mBank asks its clients to ignore any authorization messages displayed during the logging attempts, because, in reality they are generated by a malicious virus, designed by the cybercriminals to extort – firstly – their sensitive data and – finely – their money.
The bank also advises to change the online banking passwords (IPIN) and to perform a full reset of the infected device – to its factory settings.
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