Tuesday 12 December 2017, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
Have you installed the Al.type app? You may be in trouble!

Those of you who have installed the Al.type applications (a very popular keyboard app for Android and iOS devices) may have considerable trouble. Potential problems are connected with the security errors leading to the data leakage of approximately 78% of the app users – that is, about 31 million users!
According to the information provided by Zdnet, the compromised database (containing over 577 Gb of data) was stored on a unsecured server. Not even the very basic password protection measures were applied!
Are you curious about what sort of data were leaked? Well, there are a lot of them:
- users' personal data,
- phone numbers,
- e-mail adress,
- IP, IMEI and IMSI numbers,
- ISP’s names,
- and even data from your Google account!
Experts from the ZDNet report that the leakage contained not only the phone numbers of the Al.type app users, but also the numbers listed their address books.
The leak of such sensitive data is a real threat, because it can be easily misused by cybercriminals.
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