Sunday 28 January 2018, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
Skygofree – a new dangerous malware attacking Android devices

The security experts from Kaspersky Lab have recently warn all Android users about dangerous malware known as Skygofree, that has been spotted on several devices utilizing this popular operating system. The new malicious programs seems to be working on a similar basis as the Pegasus malware, which had caused a lot of troubles for Android and iOS users.
Kaspersky security experts have confirmed that the malware has so far
infected only Italian Android users, but that does not mean that users
in other countries can let their guard down.
According to the researchers Skygofree is a strain of multi-stage spyware that gives attackers full remote control of an infected device. The malware is capable of intercepting calls, text messages, calendar entries, dialled phone numbers, and more. It can also monitor popular apps, such as Facebook Messenger, Skype, Viber, and WhatsApp.
The most popular way Skygofree is spread is via fake mobile-service websites. Usually, it will look like an offer to update your phone to improve your internet speed.
Fortunately, each user can significantly reduce the chance of infection by downloading new apps only from official stores, and by installing a reliable security solution (like Kaspersky Internet Security for Android), which will protect your device from most malicious apps and files, suspicious websites, and dangerous links.
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