Tuesday 7 January 2020, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
Leak of sensitive data of Virgin Mobile’s customers

Sensitive data of customers of Virgin Mobile’s cellular operator has been leaked from the database of one of its applications. Clients affected by the leak are receiving text messages informing them about the theft of personal data.
The leak occurred between 18th and 22nd of December and concerned customers using prepaid accounts. The stolen data includes full names as well as PESEL identification numbers. The operator announced the breach on December 25th.
The data of Virgin Mobile’s customers running monthly subscription plans is secure.
Virgin Mobile released a statement in which it informs that data leak concerned 12.5% of pre-paid customers registered with the company. Procedures preventing the use of subscriber’s data that were illegally obtained have been strengthened. The company has introduced additional, extensive means of verifying the identification of victims when placing orders regarding contracts for the provision of telecommunications services. Prosecutor’s office will be also notified and relevant supervisory authorities have been notified in accordance to the GDPR regulations.
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