Thursday 5 March 2020, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa store - instead of buying, renting smartphone

Clients of were receiving confirmation of deposit payment instead of a proof of purchase. Shop’s customers could find out about the indefinite loan terms from the several dozen-page terms of service, but who reads them carefully, right? In addition, the store did not inform its client about this fact in a clear and transparent manner. It can therefore be concluded that the store was misleading the customer.
The listing did not show “rent” but “order”. Price listed on the product page was in fact a deposit fee. In addition, as stated in terms of service, the buyer of a given device for the period of rent could not sell the it or interfere with it in any way.
The store tempted clients with its prices, which were about 23% lower than the prices of products offered by competing electronic stores.
Receiving the invoice, according to Bezprawnik, was also difficult, as upon request client either did not receive one at all or received one that was issued by a foreign entity. In this way, the store skipped the payment of VAT on sales.
Bestcena suspended the ability to make further orders as a result of the audit of the Tax Office, which took control of the store's bank account. According to Bezprawnik, prices of products in the store suddenly increased by 23%, which matches the VAT rate for electronics.
The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) warns against this type of stores, where the seller is an entity based in the United Kingdom or the United States. They offer equipment rental instead of entering into a sale contract with the customer.
A similar strategy was applied by store, however in this case the customer undertakes to pay a fee in the amount of 2 euro cents for renting the equipment and once a year must send the owner a report on its technical condition. The rented equipment becomes the property of the client two years after the conclusion of the contract. Instead of issuing an invoice, the store sends the customer confirmation of the deposit payment.
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