Monday 4 May 2020, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
SMS fraud based on the anti-crisis shield

Fraudsters send text messages suggesting the possibility of receiving non-returnable cash in the amount of PLN 5,000 or 10,000 as part of the anti-crisis shield. In order to “receive” this amount, the potential victim is to confirm their details by making a small money transfer.
If the victims click on the link included in the SMS, they will be redirected to a fake PayU payment form to make a transfer of PLN 1, which is necessary to confirm the identity of the person. By default, scammers want to extort the electronic banking login credentials, but also attempt to obtain data such as PESEL identification number, the maiden name of the victim's mother - data which are necessary to verify the identity during a phone conversation with the bank's representative.
According to the portal Niebezpiecznik, it is not too difficult to recognize the fraud in this case, because the SMS was sent from a regular number, the sender did not use a textual ID and the page to which the link leads looks fraudulent at the first sight because it is not connected to the actual owner of this service - However, you can’t be too careful.
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