Friday 12 June 2020, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
Verification of popular accounts via Facebook

Facebook announces the start of identity verification of popular profiles, and those whose owners cannot be verified will be blocked.
According to Cyberdefence24, this will mainly concern profiles that have reported some patterns of suspicious behavior, i.e. submitting content that quickly spreads across the site. The purpose of this is to detect people or groups running a propaganda campaign.
Account owners that refuse to verify or their identity will not coincide with their profile will be blocked or their post’s reach will be severely limited.
Currently, the verification will apply only to residents of the United States. This is related to this year’s presidential election and the goal is to significantly limit the amount of misinformation.
According to Facebook, personal data will be stored in a secure manner and will not be shared with other users of the site.
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