Saturday 20 February 2021, Poradnik bezpieczeństwa
Action of the BNP Paribas Bank - Online Security

As a part of the Safer Internet Day, BNP Paribas Bank decided to impersonate fraudsters. In this way, the bank wanted to make its customers aware of the threats existing online.
Using an official Facebook profile, BNP Paribas posted a scam often used by criminals. In the content of the post, the bank’s client could find information about the possibility of receiving a prize, all that was needed to do is to click the attached link, the prize would be awarded only to the first hundred people. The content of the post was written in capital letters with emoticons woven in between. The link led to the domain bnpparlbas[.]pl, one letter was changed in the bank’s name, hoping that it would not be noticed.
The link, however, in this case led to the webpage for an online security campaign. The page headline was “DO NOT CLICK ON WEIRD LINKS”.
By this, the bank wanted to make its customers aware that if it has managed to trick them, how easily it could be done by fraudsters who constantly develop and perfect their methods. In addition, it warns that every day there may be a phishing attempt, so when using the Internet, be extremely careful and never click on suspicious-looking links.
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