
The internet security experts from Kaspersky Labs have recently found a trail of a crafty malware, which has been running loose within the network for OVER SIX YEARS!

The malware was discovered by accident. The Kaspersky Labs’ team was analyzing a piece of keylogging code and decided to scan to see if it could be found elsewhere. The malware’s signature turned up in a seemingly innocent file on another computer labelled scesrv.dll.

The malware, denoted as Slingshot, is a cunning and very dangerous software, that can collect all kinds of information from compromised computers, including screenshots, passwords, keyboard data, and other information. Slingshot tries very hard to stay under the radar using a selection of advanced techniques, in


According to the IBM X-Force, the number of attacks with the TrickBot virus has recently significantly increased. The main goal of TrickBot are cryptocurrencies and cash funds accumulated on bank accounts.

The virus infection occurs by installing an application from a suspicious source or via a link received in an SMS message. The infection connects a number of Internet-connected computers into one network, establishes communication with command and control (C&C) servers, and initiate malicious activity, such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

The malicious Trojan appears to be capable of extracting login information, which might allow it to hijack online banking accounts. If that is done successfully, the infection can t


The unknown group of cyber criminals, impersonating the Przelewy24 payment platform, have flooded the OLX portal with tempting offers.

The scheme is simple, the fraudsters are looking for so-called bargain hunters, offering equipment up to 80% cheaper than market prices. If the transaction takes place, the buyer/victim is asked to cover the shipping costs via the InPost company. For this purpose, the victim receives a link to the fake Przelewy24 payment panel, which is confusingly similar to the original. However, the choice of payment methods is much smaller than in the original one. The buyer can choose only from several banking login panels belonging to mBank, PKO BP, BZ WBK, Millenium and Alior Bank.

The vigilance of the victim is dormant,


If you got received a message on the Whatsapp communicator from a friend about the super promotion offered by LOT Airlines, due to their 89th birthday – watch out because it is a scam.

The message also includes a link to the page, which does not belong to LOT Airlines. According to Niebezpiecznik.pl website, a special character replacing the letter "o" was used in the website address.

In order to authenticate the entire scam, the authors of the site have placed fake positive opinions that ought to reassure the victims that they are actually able to win a free flight ticket.

If the victim clicks on the link in the message, he or she is asked to share his or her WhatsApp’s contact list. After completing this step


uTorrent – one of the most popular BitTorrent apps – is vulnerable, due to multiple security flaws.

The problem was reported by the security experts from Google Project Zero team. The discovered flaws are easy to exploit, and make it possible for criminals to control key functions, including viewing downloaded files and downloading malware that will become active after PC reboot.

According to the researchers the security flaws impact a new web-based version of the uTorrent BitTorrent client, and the old (and the most popular) uTorrent Classic version.

Dave Rees, vice president of engineering at BitTorrent, claims that the bugs have now been fixed in a beta release of the uTorrent Windows desktop app and urges the users t

Sunday 18 February 2018, Safety Guide

Dangerous Trojan Nymaim


A new cybercriminals’ campaign has been launched. So far, many Internet users have received fake e-mails from a "courier company" with information about receiving a package, documents or invoice.

The fake e-mail's content a dangerous link, which does not lead to the courier company’s website, but to a malicious application containing a Trojan, known as Nymaim.

If Nymaim is launched on a device, it will attempt to either lock the screen or download additional malware. If the user is located in a country in Europe or North America, the malware will download a customized lockscreen for that particular country. The lockscreen will display the ransom demand. If the user is in a country for which no customized lockscreen is available,

Saturday 10 February 2018, Safety Guide

Dangerous security flaws revealed in 7-Zip


According to the security experts from Cisco Talos company, 7-Zip - a popular open source file compression program that supports all major compression formats - contains two dangerous vulnerabilities.

The first security flaw was found in the code that handle Universal Disk Format (UDF) files, and if exploited, cyberattackers could use this vulnerability to execute any malicious codes remotely.

The second security flaw is an exploitable heap overflow vulnerability which could allow the attackers to compromise updated machines, giving attackers the same access rights as logged-in users.

Igor Pavlov - 7-Zip developer - has confirmed that both vulnerabilities have been fixed in the newest   version of his popul

Sunday 4 February 2018, Safety Guide

Phishing on Netflix


Cybercriminals have attempted a phishing attack on Netflix users. The user receives an e-mail with the information about incorrect payment details and a request to update them. The massage also contains a link (entitled “Update your account now”) which if selected redirects the user to “appropriate” Netflix page.

In reality the link is a phishing site with fake Netflix branding, where the scammers harvest victims' payment information. Among other things, the users are ask enter their credit card details, and if they do so, they are then brought to a genuine Netflix page.

Netflix says it will never ask customers to send any of their personal details, such as payment information or passwords, over email.
“Never enter your logi


The security experts from Kaspersky Lab have recently warn all Android users about dangerous malware known as Skygofree, that has been spotted on several devices utilizing this popular operating system. The new malicious programs seems to be working on a similar basis as the Pegasus malware, which had caused a lot of troubles for Android and iOS users.

Kaspersky security experts have confirmed that the malware has so far infected only Italian Android users, but that does not mean that users in other countries can let their guard down.

According to the researchers Skygofree is a strain of multi-stage spyware that gives attackers full remote control of an infected device. The malware is capable of intercepting calls


Hackers have taken control over several computers in one of the US hospitals by realizing a new form of ransomware called SamSam.

The hospital officials have confirmed that the hackers targeted more than 1400 files, and renamed them with the phrase “I’m sorry”. They gave the hospital seven days to pay 55,000 USD of ransom or the files (with the patient records) would be permanently encrypted.

Unlike traditional ransomware, SamSam is not delivered through drive-by-downloads or emails. It is capable of avoiding detection by disabling built-in Windows protection mechanisms, such as System Restore, Safe Mode, System Recovery, and Windows Error Reporting. Moreover, the ransomware is able to encrypt all files locally without connecting to the


A security flaw has been identified in the design of Intel, ARM and AMD's processors which may affect millions of computers across the world. The flaw is believed to involve chips in computers over the last decade.

The threat affects not only computers, but also smartphones and other devices which utilize the chipsets of the mentioned manufacturers. Details of the issue are being kept under wraps amid fears it could be exploited by hackers.

The Google's Project Zero engineers have categorized the flaw into two forms of attack, named Meltdown and Spectre. The first issue allows attackers to read not only kernel memory but also the entire physical memory of the target machines, and therefore all secrets of other programs and the operating system


The internet security experts from Check Point Software Technologies have recently found a new malicious code hidden inside over 60 game apps available for download from the Google Play Store.

According to the researchers the infected apps contained pornographic malware and were targeted squarely at children. The affected apps have so far been downloaded between 3 and 7 million times!

Dubbed as AdultSwine, the malware was designed to display adverts from the web that were often highly inappropriate and pornographic.

Fortunately, Google has immediately removed the infected apps from Google Play Store. In an emailed statement the company states: "We appreciate Check Point's work to help keep users safe." and "We


The cyber security experts from Trend Micro company have found a new type of malware, known as Digmine. This malicious bot is spreading across the world via the Facebook Messenger app, and was designed to infect as many privet computers as possible, to mine cryptocurrency for its developers at the expense of the users.

Victims usually receive a zip file, named “video_xxxx.zip” (where xxxx is a four-digit number) that tries to pass as video file. In reality it is an executable script, which if activated can affect Facebook Messenger (both the desktop and web versions) using the Goggle Chrome browser.

Once in control of Chrome, the Digmine bot uses the browser to download and install additional extension for its clandestine mining operation


A new method has been recently revealed that, potentially,  allows the cyber criminals to take over the control over EVERY modern smart phone, simple by using several of standard sensors present in these type of devices.

The researchers from the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore (NTU Singapore) have proven that seatrain  sensors (present in every modern smart phone) such as: accelerometer, gyroscope and proximity indicators, represent a potential security risk, that can be easily utilized by cyber criminals.

The researchers have succeeded in unlocking several of modern smart phones (acquired with the UP-TO-DATE Android OS system) with a 99.5 percent accuracy, with only THREE tries, simply by using the combination


Once again, the scammers are trying to extort money with the help of the SMS Premium service. This time, they try to get the phone users to send a paid SMS-a, in order to "disable" the.

Fraudsters first send a false SMS message informing about the activation of the Local Weather service. The daily cost for maintaining the service is 1.23 PLN (including VAT tax).

In order to deactivate the service the users are instructed to send an additional SMS, under the number 92578, containing the fallowing text: TC.NP.STOP. The fraudsters “forgot” to add that the cost of such an SMS excides 30 PLN.

It is worth blocking the Premium service. In order to do so, the users should fallow the fallowing insructions:
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