
Since the beginning of April 2016 the government program "Family 500 +" has started. From the first day,  over 100 thousand applications for social benefits were filed. However, the people who decide to file an application through the Internet should be very cautious not to be deceived. 

Police warns against swindlers who create false websites, in order to extort money or also our personal data such as PESEL number or the place of residence. 

Remember that while filing an application to the "Family 500 +" program we do not have to make any extra payments. We remind about


IPhone owners unknowingly called the police by clicking one link.

Pay attention to what you click. 

Unaware iPhone users rang the police not just more than once but as many as 19 times! 

How did it happen? 

Everything happened due to the fake link made available on Twitter, by the American teenager. 

The error in iOS which made use of JavaScript forced the system to connect to number 911 along with redialling. After 19 attempts to call the police from the given number, the police called back to ask why somebody call

Friday 3 February 2017, Safety Guide

Shazam eavesdrops Apple users


The Motherboard portal informs that the application for recognizing music tracks Shazam eavesdrops Apple users. 

What does eavesdropping users of the application consist in the computer version? 

The application works in the background all the time and listens closely to users by the microphone, because it never shuts down completely.

Recordings collected by the application are not used in any way but doesn't it  violate of our privacy? 

The company explains that this an intentional action of the application to make it run faster. If the microphone was not on, it would cause the longer ini

Friday 3 February 2017, Safety Guide

The ingeniousness has no limits


We would like to  present the new series of entries concerning the most daring and surprising thefts. 

Today the ingeniousness of Russian thieves. 

How many times we heard about the attempt of ATM theft under the cover of the night, by simply  ripping it out of the wall or using explosives ? In Russia the thieves decided not to tire out and steal the standalone ATM in one of hypermarkets. To do this, they made use of a cart designed to transport furniture. 

In Wołgograd county, two men who stole 1.3 thousand of beer bottles were stopped. What is interesting within one day, along with friends, they

Friday 3 February 2017, Safety Guide

The ingeniousness of smugglers


Nothing will probably surprise the Border Guard, the ingeniousness of smugglers from year to year is more and more surprising. 

Today from the series called the ingeniousness has no limits  - smugglers 

Cigarettes and alcohol are most often smuggled goods. The Border Guard is one of the most modern Polish uniformed forces. It being equipped with more and more state-of-the-art equipment i.e. fingerprints readers, cordless optical passports readers, night vision devices or drones, let alone a portable X-ray scanners. 

Have you ever wondered how many packets of cigarettes can be hidden inside the door?

Officers of the Bo

Friday 3 February 2017, Safety Guide

Cybercriminals - e-mail attacks


Another  attack by cybercriminals on customers of the mobile phones network - Play.


This time the cybercriminals are trying to infect our electronic equipment. The e-mail is sent to our postbox with the counterfeit invoice, after downloading the attachment we also download a virus "Trojan-Downloader.JS.Agent". The virus can download the ransomware software, encrypting victim's personal data to  extort money. 

There is a list of advice at PLAY website on how to recognize the real invoice.

In this case, the first thin


The autumn-winter period is particularly dangerous to pedestrians and cyclists. Difficult weather conditions or early dusk cause the above mentioned groups to be often invisible for other road users. 

Pedestrians and cyclists constitute the group that has the highest danger of  participation in road accidents which is confirmed by police statistics. Therefore, increasing the visibility on the road outside the built-up area is so important. We are talking about reflectors here. 

Interesting research was conducted at two universities in Australia and the USA. It was checked how drivers see pedestrians at night depending on the age of the driver or also a type of p


Do you remember our article concerning stealing money from bank accounts? 

We mentioned that the most popular method of hackers to steal money from accounts is sending to the mail address of bank client false information e.g. information about blocking the  account and in order to unblock it, it  will be sufficient to click the link and log on. By logging onto the false website of the bank the client unknowingly shares his login name and password. 

Recently one of partners of the lost24 portal has received an e-mail message from the sender who impersonated the Polish post office. The -mail included information about the unclaimed parcel. The sender thre

Wednesday 1 February 2017, Safety Guide

Victims of the pickpocket


Crowd, absent-mindedness, too great confidence ..... a moment's distraction can be enough to become the victim of the pickpocket. Every year in large urban agglomerations as many as a dozen or so thousand victims report this kind of theft to the police. 

Police emphasize that in terms of pickpockets, the detectability is just a few per cent at maximum. In case of such a theft, it is extremely difficult to prove anything to the perpetrator, if we do not catch him red-handed. 

For the thief, a crowded street, a hypermarket or a public transport are the perfect places, not mentioning mass events or bus and train stations. 

A perfect victim is an o


The scientists from Microsoft proved that even 39% of cancer diagnoses could be detected even a year earlier. 

Many of you wonder how researchers from Microsoft are connected with the early detection of the cancer

Search history in the Bing search engine is an answer to this question. Researchers searched, amongst entries used by people already associated with cancer, for phrases connected with the disease. These phrases include previous enquiries about symptoms of the illness, for example pain in the chest.

Moreover, basing on data concerning the location of the given group ,they made an assessment whether the users can be exposed to factors increasing the ris

Wednesday 1 February 2017, Safety Guide

false e-mails which extort data - mbank


The mBank warns its clients of false e-mails which extort data. False mails are sent to mailboxes informing about  the blocked account. 

In contents of the mail we will learn that as a result of the unauthorized access, the account becomes blocked. In order to recover the access to account, the sender asks for authenticating the account holder. To do this, we are encouraged to click the false website. Certainly, the aim is to extort the client's ID of the bank, the password, data of the payment card and SMS codes to confirm transfers. 

mBank, on the account of the growth of the threats associated with sending the false e-mails, sends special notices to its custo


To become a victim of the theft, nobody would like to be in such a situation. The star of KSW fights Mariusz Pudzianowski informed his fans on Facebook about audacious theft. New tractor T5 115 Holland was looted. 

Mariusz Pudzianowski addressed the thief directly: "I propose the thief to give the tractor back somewhere! Monitoring recorded everything and it is only a matter of time!! The thief will not benefit from the machine as it is well-tagged!!! " 

The star asks for sharing the information. 

Wednesday 1 February 2017, Safety Guide

Breaching biometric securities in ATMs


When banks decide to introduce new security measure in ATMs in the form of biometric solutions, cybercriminals can see new opportunities in stealing money from our accounts. 

In the article on stealing money from bank accounts we mentioned skimmers which can be used to steal  information from the payment card, let alone Internet cams or covers for the keyboard in order to acquire the PIN number. 

The bank industry faces up to thieves and implements new authentication methods based on a biometric technology. For example the Fujitsu company introduced technology in their smartphone enabling to process the payment with the scan of the iris. However, in Great Britai


Do you want to learn if your area is safe? Do you want to have influence and respond to threats which are in your town? You have to get to know the Domestic Map of Security Threats. 

The program of the Domestic Map of Security Threats has started. It is supposed to serve as the improvement to the safety of Polish residents. 

While creating the map of threats in the entire country over 11 thousand meetings took place. During the meetings, residents reported their remarks, talked about needs and threats in their surroundings. Over 217 thousand people took part in the meetings. 

Maps were drawn up on the basis

Wednesday 1 February 2017, Safety Guide

Stealing money from ATMs - bank cards


This week news associated with robbing ATMs on so-called "glue traps" spread. Warsaw officers caught the citizen of Romania red-handed who tried to take off the cover to which banknotes withdrawn by customers stuck. 

Cash is a dominating manner of payment by Poles, although the number of non-cash operations is increasing constantly. In times of payment by ATM cards so-called skimming is becoming more and more popular. It  consists in copying the content of the magnetic stripe from our card, in order to make the duplicate. This type of crime is also commonly used in ATMs, both by scanning the magnetic stripe of our card or getting the PIN code with the additional cam installed at the top of the ATM.