
This week, about 6 million entries were published on the Tor forum called Cebulka, which were supposed to contain Polish users' login details for the most popular portals.

How were the passwords stolen? There is a probability that they were downloaded from users by means of malware, so-called "stealer". Once infected, it downloads all the passwords on the victim's computer and sends them to the creators. Additionally, it is quite likely that the database is very up to date. It can be concluded that it has data even from 2023, and the number of victims is estimated at over 100,000 victims.

Example domains and number of items:


The 82-year-old answered the phone and was informed that there were burglars in the block. The person who deceived her was a woman impersonating a policewoman.

Unfortunately, the woman was manipulated. She packed 150,000 in a plastic bag and ... threw them over the balcony to be "secured" by the police. What did the scammers do next. They took the bag with the money and ran away.

Why do older people get fat? Probably too much trust in people and especially in the services. Lack of knowledge about fraud trends. Such a person is unlikely to use the Internet, so there is no way to be informed what scams exist and whether sim


According to the niebezpiecznik.pl portal, a woman from whom such a large amount was extorted does not have to pay it back.

How did this deception happen? The thieves called the victim from the bank's official telephone number using a spoofing technique. The person who called her knew the victim's personal details, so that made the scam process much easier. She even knew part of the victim's credit card number. A purported bank employee ordered QuickSupport to be installed. This is a remote access application.

What happened next?


As reported by the Niebezpiecznik.pl portal, a few days ago, many Internet users received e-mails informing them about the update of information on their Allegro account - in the absence of a click and updating this information, the account is suspended.

However, this is obviously false information. After clicking on the link, an attempt is made to phishing our data.

Just clicking, however, does not mean that we have been robbed. However, providing our personal data, numbers and sensitive data - yes.



Many of you probably associate ChatGPT from OpenAI - a tool thanks to which we can discover the internet anew. By sending an appropriate query or issuing a specific and precise command of artificial intelligence, which is "on the other side of the screen", we can easily obtain information on various topics, e.g. programming, cooking, general information, you can also create abstract things, fictional stories, stories, etc. .

However, CyberArk tried something else. They noticed that the chatbot from OpenAI is able to create polymorphic malware, which is simply a "virus" that is able to change its code in real time to be undetectable for the object it attacks.


Some time ago, the sekurak.pl portal shared information about a very harmful but simple vulnerability on Linkedin.

Namely, it was possible to download each user's CV without logging in, without authorization or any unnecessary steps. It was enough to enter a specific address, e.g. "linkedin.com/api/v4/download_resume?id=827387" and successively enter random numbers to display more CVs of users.

The vulnerability was patched and a bounty of $5,000 was paid for finding it.


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Sad news for LastPass password manager users. As the creators informed, this time the passwords were leaked. Hackers have access to encrypted passwords. It is not known how many passwords have been leaked.

Relevant services and companies were engaged to patch the gap in the system and investigate the case.

Unfortunately, however, due to such an event, the application will no longer be perceived as the most secure. The password manager from which the passwords were stolen does not sound secure and is hard to trust.


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At one of the hacker forum occured ad/post with offer of sale of the Whatsapp user database. There are as many as 487 million entries in the data base. Most people are from Egypt (as many as 45 million)

In addition, there are also 2.6 million numbers from Poland. As indicated by the person listing the data for sale, the data is up-to-date, because it is from 2022.

Prices for specific countries below:

US - $7,000

Great Britain - $2,500

Germany - $2,500


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In August this year, there was information about a possible leak of Twitter users' data. We weren't sure about that back then. Today we know that it was true.

The hacking forum Breached, there was a post from the owner of this forum about having the data of about 5 million+ accounts. In addition, it has data on up to 1.4 million user accounts whose accounts have already been suspended. However, he only gave this data to a small group of people.

Were user passwords leaked? According


Alphabet, the owner of Google, is ordered to pay $400 million. He lost a case brought against him by 40 American states. The owner of Google was supposed to illegally track the traffic of users who did not consent to it on the network.

What is Google User Tracking? The better they are personalized, the more people click on ads, and thus - thanks to this, Google has more money.

Google is already working on updating its terms of use.



As reported by the portal sekurak.pl, the Google search engine noticed a page pretending to be the popular design program GIMP - the free equivalent of Adobe Photoshop. After typing "gimp" in Google we could see ad in the search engine at the top. Everything looks as if it was a real advertisement of the program. The problem arose when we clicked on the link. After clicking on the link, it then took us to a page that looks identical to the official gimp site, but the site address was slightly changed to make it legit.

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The Instalki portal informed that the EU intends to tighten the rules on the security of digital products due to numerous violations of the Internet infrastructure in the context of security by hackers supporting the Kremlin.

As it turns out, this will involve "providing security updates for products for their entire lifetime or for five years after their introduction to the market". Which seems to be a beneficial solution for users and a nuisance for corporations.

A total of 38 products will have to receive a cybersecurity rating, including smart products, password managers, firewalls, etc.

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Polish University SGH reported some time ago that about 1,500 students were leaked due to a "programming error". These were people who went on student exchanges and applied for them. Student data was indexed and available on Bing for over a month. According to the university, after sending the appropriate message to Bing, the data was removed from the search results.

Data that could be displayed are:

  • login
  • number of album
  • first name and middle name
  • last name
  • gender
  • mother's name
  • father's