Sunday 5 February 2017, Safety Guide

Public Wi-Fi hotspots - know the risks


More and more often we use free hot-spots. However, such points do not have to offer  free access to the Internet. 

Often such points are for one purpose - to gain access to our data. Cybercriminals wait to get data to the bank account, or also a mailbox and social media portals. 

We have to especially watch out for hotspots abroad. Not every free Wi-Fi can give us savings concerning the data transfer, on the contrary someone can steal our digital identity 

Remember that majority of free Wi-Fi networks isn't protected at all, by logging to the bank or to the mailbox , data can be easily intercepted. The good example can be redirecting


We don't know if you regularly follow the news on  BBC channel. 

As everybody knows, the Pokemon Go frenzy is at its prime. We have already showed he famous video recorded by New York youtuber about how Americans went crazy about this game. 

BBC television informs that the police record hundreds of accidents connected with Pokémon Go. 

TV channel alerts that everything is caused by the lack of attention of the gamers. 

A good example can be 290 reports recorded in England and Wales in July. Fans of the game are victims of the theft and assaults. What is interesting, also the game


Swindlers impersonating HBO try to extort money. 

There are more and more fans of "Games of Thrones" with every season. Polish radio station Anti-radio informs that the 6th season of the popular series was watched by around  23 million viewers. However, some viewers decided to illegally download the episodes. 

People who received the e-mail from swindlers impersonating  HBO could become victims of the fraud. portal published pattern of  the e-mail message received by some users. The content of the e-mail  informs that on account of illegal downloading of the file from the given IP address, the user

Sunday 5 February 2017, Safety Guide

Fake coupons on Facebook


Watch out for dynamic Facebook group which offers coupons to the chemist for  the amount of 1000 PLN. 

People who got tempted by the offer of hackers could lose the account on the social media portal, as well as up to several dozen PLN for premium texts (we wrote about them in one of our entries). 

The swindlers use the stolen accounts of your friends and send out the invitations to the group which offers gift coupons to popular drugstores. After clicking the link, we are moved to the website which enables hackers to steal our Facebook login name and password. 

What's more, to choose the specific offer we have to send two premium texts


Drones are getting more and more popular thus more and more often we can hear news reports on threats they pose. An incident which took place at Okęcie airport can be such an example. Pilots noticed the flying object - the drone next to the piloted plane. Controllers were forced to redirect the machine to other runway and report the case to the police. 

We should be aware that there are some binding regulations (aviation law) about piloting the drones. If we do not observe these rules, we can spend up to 5 years in prison. 

Every drone operator must buy the liability insurance for minimal guaranteed amount or higher amount stipulated by the Minister of Transpo


During holidays we more often travel on the trains. However, during our journey as well as at the station we have to be extremely cautious - pickpockets only wait for the chance. They know that the passengers can have large amounts of money or valuables. Everyone usually takes the tablet  or laptop to use while travelling. 

In our earlier article - we wrote that thieves often create artificial crowd, especially when you are getting on or off the train or bus. 

While going by train we should pay attention to our luggage, do not le

Sunday 5 February 2017, Safety Guide

Phishing attack on BZ WBK clients


In many people's mailboxes, also ours, appeared false mails with the demand to verify the BZ WBK account access, It can be achieved  by clicking the link. The link redirects us to a fake website, very similar to the official BZWBK24 logging website. Thanks to the fake website, swindlers want to extort our logging data to the bank account. That way they receive the easy access to perform unauthorized operations on the account of bank client. 

It is another phishing attack on clients of this bank. The swindlers could do this easily because money transfers by Przelew24 did not require confirmation with text password. After this  incident, the bank restored this precaution. 

Sunday 5 February 2017, Safety Guide

Improve your safety in the city


The Europeans are afraid of terrorism escalation.  The governments undertake steps which should protect us against the next attack. The Australians also decided to take care of their own safety by the special mobile application and the special website. The residents of Canberra are informed  about dangerous places in their city. 

Empty streets and dark corners can cause anxiety, especially when somebody comes back late at night but thanks to the special website, Canberra residents know which place can be dangerous. 

The website is managed by Women's Centre for Health Matters foundation and financed by Australian government of capital territory. 

Sunday 5 February 2017, Safety Guide

Finders, keepers


Have you ever wondered if you can keep the found item with no fear? Or maybe we should give back only valuable items? 

Imagine such a situation - we find the mobile phone on the street, it seems to us, that since we found it we can keep it and use it without any consequences. After certain time police knock on our door. The person who lost the phone, reported it and we are ordered out to the police station to give an explanation how did we come into possession of that thing. 

What are we threatened with? 

We can be accused of converting the found item. This offence carries a penalty of fine, restriction of liberty or the imprisonment up to 1 ye

Friday 3 February 2017, Safety Guide

Door handle thief


Meeting a thief face to face in the entrance hall. Everyone would be frightened.

The first obstacle - intercom. Who doesn't  open the door from the stairwell when we hear that somebody brought  leaflets.

Next, it is enough for the thief to go from floor to floor, check who


Integrated systems of intelligent house or building management are more and more often exposed to the attacks from the outside by so-called cybercriminals. 

Cybercriminals can for example trigger the shutdown alarm or put the heating system out of order. 

Two public facilities' heating systems were victims of DDos attack (dispersed denial of service) in Finland. The attack by cybercriminals entirely paralysed the computers responsible for the inspection of the heating and the circulation of warm water in buildings. 

Valtia company, which  managed these two buildings, confirmed the concentrated attack on the network resulting in overloa


Online shopping - fast, comfortable with competitive prices. However, online shopping calls for some precautions. 

Police reports indicate that the practice of swindling through web sites is more and more frequent.

Police in Chrzanów completed the proceeding connected with the Internet swindler who offered mobile phones on the auction portal in very attractive prices. Yet, customers  after sending money to the indicated bank  account, did not receive the ordered goods . 

A swindler who also offered mobile phones and tablets for sale in attractive prices below their market value, can be another example. Purchasers received neither orde

Friday 3 February 2017, General Interest

Lost animals


Statistical data are terrifying. Every year, all over the world, more than 10 million animals get lost. How can we avoid losing our favourite animal companion? 

When going for the walk we should attach the address tag to the animal's collar. Remember to include our telephone number there. 

The behaviour of an animal is also important. The address tag can always come off and the chip will stay. Another interesting option is a tattoo made on the ear or the groin of the dog. We will find the list of tattoos at the branch of a kennel club. To read out the individual code from the chip we have to go to the veterinary clinic or to services equipped with the special reader e.g.


We don't know whether everyone heard about probably the biggest hacking attack in the history of Internet - personal data of half a billion users were stolen by  cybercriminals.


Personal data of half a billion users in the hands of cybercriminals. It is probably the biggest hacking attack in the history of Internet. 

After the period of two years the Yahoo portal admitted that they had become victims of the attack by cybercriminals. As a result of this attack personal data of 500 million users fell into the wrong hands. Yahoo informed the users about this attack by e-mail, advising to the change the password. 

According to Yahoo, the secret ser


Do you know what happens if you connect to the hotspot of unknown origin? 

It was proven that using the touch screen in the phone disturbs the wi-fi signal and it can be used for watching what we type. For example, a PIN code in our bank application. 

Controlled attack on 3 types of mobile phones in order to get the PIN number in the popular Alipay payment system which in 2015 had as many as 900 million users. 

The test was supposed to prove that using the touch screen in the mobile phone disturbs the wi-fi signal which can lead to intercepting what we type by third parties. 
