
Another wave of attacks, this time aimed at Netia clients, was reported by a portal Zaufana Trzecia Strona. Thousands of mails with malicious programs have been sent to this group of Internet users. The massages contained all the original data of the clients (previously stolen from the company's database) and an attached folder with false invoice.

After opening such message the computer can be infected with a trojan that was designed to collect sensitive data, such as mailbox logins and passwords. However, the installation process of the virus can not be perform without the “help” from the users themselves. According to the portal Zaufana Trzecia Strona to run malicious code, the user must first unpack the attached folder (RAR file) by entering a password in


Are You a satisfied user of Kodi media player? Stay alert, because You might unwillingly participate in DDoS attacks. How is this possible? Due to recent actualization of Exodus add-on.

The Exodus is the most popular Kodi add-on which allows users to stream movies and TV-shows content from a variety of sources. Unfortunately, the creator of this popular add-on has recently injected a piece of code which turned every Exodus user into an unwilling DDoS botnet (occasionally referred to as a “zombie army”).

The alteration of the code was revealed and described by the users of tvaddons.ag forum. They have noticed that every time a user tried to play something through Exodus add-on, the plugin attempted to e


The Russian group of hackers known as APT28 is targeting MacOS users with a new variant of the X-Agent spyware, which has previously attacked other popular OS systems.

According to the security researchers from Bitdefender Labs the maleware is capable of stealing passwords, taking screenshots, exfiltrating iPhone backups stored on the device, detecting system configurations, and creating a “backdoor” for other malicious wares.

"Once successfully installed, the backdoor checks if a debugger is attached to the process. If it detects one, it terminates itself to prevent execution. Otherwise, it waits for an Internet connection before initiating communication with the C&C (co


The researchers at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia have developed a new technology that can reduce the theft of smartphone or laptops. The method, however, may seem a bit extreme because it leads to COMPLETE DESTRUCTION of the stolen device.

How dose it work?

The technology involves the usage of expandable polymers that can expand to seven-times its original size when heated to temperature above 80°C. The energy needed to generate that amount of heat comes from the battery of the device enabling the polymer to literally rip the device from the inside out.

What triggers the self-destruction mechanism?

The developers claim th


If you own an older  Android operating system  (OS ver. 4 or 5) and you have downloaded the app from the unofficial, third-party app stores, you may be at risk of catching a new virus named Gooligan.

The maleware takes advantage of multiple Android 4 and 5 exploits. It first roots into the system and then downloads a new, malicious rootkits.

The installed malewares grant the hackers full control over your device, allowing them access to all the Google services related to the user, including Google Play, Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive, and Google Photos.

The removal of the virus from the infected device is not easy. The software was designed to bury

Wednesday 8 March 2017, Safety Guide

Satan – a custom-made ransomware


An unknown group of hackers has recently developed a new method for extorting money.

The hackers have created a user-friendly platform named Satan, which allows the wannabe cybercriminals to create their own ransomware. The users just need to register on the Satan's domain and connect their bitcoin wallet to the account. Moreover, they don't even have to pay an upfront fee.

The developers of the virus get paid by taking a 30% cut of victims' payments.

The platform provides the wannabe hackers with tips on how to customize their ransomware, i.e. how to specify the ransom amount or increase the amount of money to pay after a specific deadline.

The Satan virus encrypts stored data an

Sunday 5 March 2017, Safety Guide

City surveillance system hacked


It seems that hackers are no longer satisfied with compromising the security of cell phones or computers and peeking just into private users' webcams. Most recently the unidentified group has successfully infiltrated and compromised police surveillance cameras in Washington, D.C.

According to the Technobuffalo portal, cyberattack took place a week before President Donald Trump’s inauguration.
The surveillance system was infected with ransomware, granting the hackers access to 123 out of 187 cameras spread around the city, briefly curbing police’s ability to record footages.

Fortunately, the problem was quickly resolved by deactivating the infected devices, removing all software and restarting the system. However,

Sunday 5 February 2017, Safety Guide

The fraud "for pipelines"


The fraud "for the grandson" or "for police officer" is probably already well-known to everyone. Have you heard about a new method "for pipelines"? 

The swindlers make use of the lack of knowledge of the residents and impersonate the  employees of the Water and Sewerage Service. 

Thieves under the guise of controlling the meters or the breakdown of the network in the apartment block, enter the flats in groups consisting of two persons and loot. 

One of swindlers shifts away attention of residents e.g. by ordering to turn on and off water in the bathroom, and second thief at that time robs the flat from valuables. 



Probably everybody  heard about the common fraud "for the grandson". This time the swindlers clients of Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) by e-mail or phone. Clients can receive infected electronic correspondence or can be persuaded to use paid counselling. 

The e-mail message contains information about  the possibility to recalculate the retirement pensions due to the change of provisions of the Funded Pension Act. In order to authenticate the message which is supposed to be allegedly sent from ZUS, the e-mail contains contact address. Also phone calls are being made and clients get the offer to meet the representative of Social Insurance Institution to recalculate the retirement pensio


According to the latest NIK report, the number of cats in pounds increased over a few years. 


Are cats owners aware of the threats to their animals, away from the safe territory which is our home? 

Above all, the road traffic, animals are very often victims of road accidents. Equip the cat with flashy collar, it can decrease the risk of being hit by the car, drivers will more quickly notice such animal after dark. 

Make sure that our cat has a collar with address and instilled chip. If the animal goes missing we increase the odds of tracking it down. 

Sunday 5 February 2017, Safety Guide

The leak of data from PESEL database


District prosecutor's office in Warsaw informed on 26.08.2016 that employees of a few bailiff's offices downloaded a few hundred thousand of records from PESEL database. The investigation is conducted by the Internal Security Agency. It is known that this practice lasted from March 2015. Even a few hundred thousand citizens can face the consequences of the data leak. They can be unaware of the fact that the problem concerns them. 

What data are in PESEL database? 

Data contain, among others, date and place of birth, citizenship, but above all the name and the surname, series and the number of ID, PESEL number, name of parents and the current place of the registered residence. <

Sunday 5 February 2017, Safety Guide

Dangerous virus on Facebook


The virus attacks insidiously, we receive ordinary looking notification that somebody marked us in the comment. After the click on the notification, we are moved to the content which "was put in Google documents ". By clicking this link we download malicious software. 

The virus works as spider web and can send malicious software on Facebook through previously  recalled marking of the friend in the comment, by sending links in the chat or publishing posts with the link on the board. 

What are we threatened with?

The virus can encrypt our files on the hard disk. After the click on such a file, we will get the message that dat


Have you heard about Shuabang campaigns, widespread in China? 

The Google company has a series of securities which enable to detect and block fake users of the Google Play Store. 

However, the Trojan creators  effectively bypassed this protection, on the level of devices which have access to administrator rights (root). Trojan is trying to impersonate the behaviour of the real user in the Play store. 

Trojan gets to the device such as smartphone or tablet through the Leech tool, giving rights to the user's device. Thanks to that, cybercriminals have access to our passwords or authorizing certifica

Sunday 5 February 2017, Safety Guide

Watch out for spoofing texts


Swindlers impersonating the operator send texts informing about enabled service. If we text back we will lose significant amounts of money from our account. 

The text  informs of about enabled service with jokes, in order to disable the service, the swindler induces us to text back. If we text back, such text will cost us an arm and a leg- even up to the amount of about 80 PLN. 

We can also often receive a text encouraging to the participation in the contest. In the contents of the text  we also receive the information about the cost of the reply. It is often not a large sum, for example 1.22 PLN with VAT. However, at the end of the message th