
Watch out for false e-mail  messages- the Pekao S.A. bank warns 

After the phishing attack on WZBK Bank clients- https://lost24.pl/post/52/atak-phishingowy-na-klientow-bz-wbk , cybercriminals decided to impersonate PEKAO S.A. bank. 

PEKAO S.A Bank. warns against false e-mail messages which could make their way to the mailboxes of their clients. 

The messages contain information about the offer connected with issuing the cash credit. There is a attachment in the form of .doc file containing a schedule of credit repayments. 

Messages seem to give impress


Watch out for the company from Bytom which sends cash on delivery parcels to get easy money. 

Internet users warn each other against SET-BET Kazimierz Sławski company. The company sends cash on delivery parcel to the amount from 130 PLN. The entire problem is the fact that nobody ordered anything from the company. 

It seem that if somebody didn't order anything, they won't pick it up. However, swindlers mainly count on companies, where it is harder to establish which employee ordered something and the parcel is being paid. It is possible that we order numerous goods and we will pick the parcel up by force of habit or an unaware household member will pick it up. 

Sunday 5 February 2017, General Interest

SIM cards registration


Do you remember our recent entry on the blog, concerning  the implemented duty of SIM cards registration? 

Not all of us know what does the process of SIM cards registration looks like, and the swindlers make use of our ignorance. Swindlers impersonating the operators employees call the clients offering the registration of the SIM card, without the necessity to leave your home. 

By doing so they try to extort personal details such as the address, ID number and PESEL number. We remind our article concerning the theft of our personal details. 

The other method of extorting the personal details is sending out texts containing information

Sunday 5 February 2017, Safety Guide

Next virus on Facebook


Another virus on Facebook. It is not the first attack on social media portal users which we wrote about https://lost24.pl/post/55/grozny-wirus-na-facebooku. 

From the beginning of October the virus rages on Facebook. 

How does the virus work? The infected person sends to his/her friends a characteristic messages on the chat or posts on our wall. 

Certainly the messages are constructed in order to attract the recipients. It consists of our profile picture with the icon imitating the video entitled by our name. 

if we click on the placed link, we will be redirected to YouTube, where we can see information about the lack

Sunday 5 February 2017, Safety Guide

Hacker attack on Netia


At the beginning of July, there was a hacker attack on Netia - one of the telecommunication operators. The result of breaking into the Netia's web servers was the theft and publicizing of customers and users data from forms on the Netia's website. 

Netia started warning customers whose data were stolen and made public online. 

What happens to the stolen personal details of customers? 

Data can be sold to direct marketing companies. From now on, the victims of the theft can receive spam e-mails or what's more they can become victims of phishing. Data can also be used to impersonate a given person - here we remind abo

Sunday 5 February 2017, General Interest

GPS device for dogs and cats


Have you ever considered equipping your pet with the GPS transmitter? 

Microchips for animals have become a standard - rice grain-size integrated circuit with 15 digit number which is individually assigned to every tagged animal. 

What if our animal goes missing? Chip as little as or so much stores details about the animal itself as well as the owner's data. However, basing only on the chip we cannot locate our animal companion. 

More and more offers connected with GPS transmitters attached to the collar of the animal appear online. The cost of such a locator is placed within the limits of 200-500 PLN. The locator l

Sunday 5 February 2017, Safety Guide

New malware HummingBad


Copying and producing the ID - know your rights 

Check Point company informed about new malware called HummingBad which attacks smartphones. 

What is malware (malicious software)? Generally speaking, it is malicious software which constitutes growing problem for the users of  smartphones  and computers. 

There can be over 10 million Android smartphones infected with  HummingBad. 

How does HummingBad work? 

After infecting our smartphone HummingBad installs additional harmful appl


Have you ever made your ID  available to other people? Have you ever allowed other people to copy your ID? 

Inspector General for Personal Data Protection received information about improper registration of pre-paid SIM cards. Inspector reminds that the operators must not COPY or SCAN our ID. 

Do you know in what situations, according to binding law, is it possible to refuse the copying or producing the identity card? 

When we want to hire sports equipment such as a kayak or water bike, it is not sufficient to produce your ID or driving licence but sometimes you are asked to leave it as well. 


Alarming report of Supreme Chamber of Control  (NIK) - about the prevention of animals homelessness - from June 2016. 

The number of animals in the pounds grows rapidly. The new report of NIK indicates that 

communes ineffectively prevent animals homelessness. Many communes did not implement plans of animals tagging and very often did not provide obligatory sterilization or castration done in the pounds. Out of  11 controlled communes, as many as 9 didn't use the possibility of implementing the plan of the animals tagging. Report data are terrifying, only one fourth of the caught animals have found the new owner. 

The holistic plan of tagging animals and

Sunday 5 February 2017, Safety Guide

Public Wi-Fi hotspots - know the risks


More and more often we use free hot-spots. However, such points do not have to offer  free access to the Internet. 

Often such points are for one purpose - to gain access to our data. Cybercriminals wait to get data to the bank account, or also a mailbox and social media portals. 

We have to especially watch out for hotspots abroad. Not every free Wi-Fi can give us savings concerning the data transfer, on the contrary someone can steal our digital identity 

Remember that majority of free Wi-Fi networks isn't protected at all, by logging to the bank or to the mailbox , data can be easily intercepted. The good example can be redirecting


We don't know if you regularly follow the news on  BBC channel. 

As everybody knows, the Pokemon Go frenzy is at its prime. We have already showed he famous video recorded by New York youtuber about how Americans went crazy about this game. 

BBC television informs that the police record hundreds of accidents connected with Pokémon Go. 

TV channel alerts that everything is caused by the lack of attention of the gamers. 

A good example can be 290 reports recorded in England and Wales in July. Fans of the game are victims of the theft and assaults. What is interesting, also the game


Swindlers impersonating HBO try to extort money. 

There are more and more fans of "Games of Thrones" with every season. Polish radio station Anti-radio informs that the 6th season of the popular series was watched by around  23 million viewers. However, some viewers decided to illegally download the episodes. 

People who received the e-mail from swindlers impersonating  HBO could become victims of the fraud. Torrentfreak.com portal published pattern of  the e-mail message received by some users. The content of the e-mail  informs that on account of illegal downloading of the file from the given IP address, the user

Sunday 5 February 2017, Safety Guide

Fake coupons on Facebook


Watch out for dynamic Facebook group which offers coupons to the chemist for  the amount of 1000 PLN. 

People who got tempted by the offer of hackers could lose the account on the social media portal, as well as up to several dozen PLN for premium texts (we wrote about them in one of our entries). 

The swindlers use the stolen accounts of your friends and send out the invitations to the group which offers gift coupons to popular drugstores. After clicking the link, we are moved to the website which enables hackers to steal our Facebook login name and password. 

What's more, to choose the specific offer we have to send two premium texts


Drones are getting more and more popular thus more and more often we can hear news reports on threats they pose. An incident which took place at Okęcie airport can be such an example. Pilots noticed the flying object - the drone next to the piloted plane. Controllers were forced to redirect the machine to other runway and report the case to the police. 

We should be aware that there are some binding regulations (aviation law) about piloting the drones. If we do not observe these rules, we can spend up to 5 years in prison. 

Every drone operator must buy the liability insurance for minimal guaranteed amount or higher amount stipulated by the Minister of Transpo